Hyrox vs CrossFit: What you Need to Know


Are you curious about the buzz around HYROX and CrossFit, but not sure which one fits your fitness goals? Many people struggle to choose between these two popular workout styles because they seem quite similar.

Both involve high-intensity functional movements that build strength and endurance.

Did you know that HYROX competitions last longer than CrossFit events, ranging from 60 to 90 minutes? This means they require different types of training and nutrition strategies.

In this article, we will explore the key differences between HYROX and CrossFit. We will break down their origins, event durations, emphasis on conditioning versus power, energy systems engaged during workouts, and tailored nutrition plans.

By the end of this post, you’ll have a clear understanding of which workout style is best for you. Keep reading!

Comparison of HYROX and CrossFit

HYROX and CrossFit differ in their approach to fitness challenges. HYROX focuses on a set race format, while CrossFit varies daily workouts.

Origin and history

In 2017, HYROX was established in Germany. It’s a fitness competition that merges running and functional workouts into a timed “Fitness Race”. Participants complete eight different functional exercises interspersed with 1-kilometre runs, testing both strength and endurance.

This format appeals to those who enjoy structured events and predictable challenges.

CrossFit began earlier and focuses on varied, high-intensity workouts. Known for its philosophy of the “known and unknowable,” CrossFit incorporates different movements like weightlifting, gymnastics, and cardio.

Elite competitions in CrossFit often favour taller athletes with more power due to the workout design’s demands. Both sports emphasise community engagement but cater to distinct athletic preferences.

Duration and intensity of events

HYROX events demand stamina, lasting between 60 to 90 minutes. These competitions are highly standardised, making the training predictable for athletes. Participants face eight workouts interspersed with 1-kilometre runs, emphasising endurance and consistent performance.

CrossFit features a dynamic approach with its constantly changing Workouts of the Day (WODs). These routines focus on short energy bursts and keep athletes adaptable to varied challenges.

CrossFit requires no specialised equipment but demands high-intensity effort over shorter durations compared to HYROX.

Emphasis on conditioning and power output

The intensity and duration of events in HYROX and CrossFit differ significantly, shaping their emphasis on conditioning and power output. In HYROX, the focus lies heavily on conditioning, prioritising muscular endurance and cardiovascular capacity.

Participants engage in functional exercises combined with running to enhance their endurance training.

CrossFit takes a different approach. It emphasises strength, power generation, speed, agility, and cardiovascular endurance. The high-intensity workouts are designed to improve explosive power alongside other fitness attributes.

This involves a blend of strength training with varied movements that target multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

Skill levels and athlete preferences

Both HYROX and CrossFit place a strong emphasis on conditioning and power output. However, HYROX makes fitness competitions accessible to all skill levels. This is due to its simpler design and lower technical demands compared to CrossFit.

Tall athletes often prefer HYROX for the biomechanical advantages it offers during various physical challenges.

CrossFit attracts individuals who excel in high-skill gymnastics and weightlifting exercises within their workout routines. These workouts usually demand greater strength requirements, offering more complexity than those seen in HYROX events.

As a result, participants with advanced skills in both aerobic capacity and explosive athletic performance gravitate towards CrossFit for its diverse exercise regimens.

Physiological and Training Differences

Different sports engage varying energy systems. Explore how each training methodology affects your workout regimen and overall physical performance.

Energy systems engaged in each sport

Muscles need ATP to move them. CrossFit demands high-intensity, short-duration energy, so its training prioritises short intervals. This aligns with anaerobic energy production, which provides quick bursts of power but doesn’t last long.

Athletes often use fast-twitch muscle fibres and rely on glycogen stored in muscles.

HYROX training involves structured, longer intervals that focus on building an aerobic base. This sport requires lower intensity over a longer duration. It uses both fat and glucose oxidation for energy production, supporting sustained endurance efforts.

The body switches between these fuels to maintain performance during extended activities.

Training methodologies and intervals

Both HYROX and CrossFit require specific training methodologies to optimise performance. CrossFit involves a mix of weightlifting, gymnastics, and metabolic conditioning. This combination promotes high-intensity intervals that push athletes to their anaerobic thresholds.

For instance, typical workouts might last 10-20 minutes but cause significant physiological responses like elevated heart rates and increased VO2max levels. Training sessions include varied movements such as deadlifts, pull-ups, and sprints designed for maximum strength gains.

In contrast, HYROX focuses heavily on longer intervals aimed at improving aerobic capacity through Zone Two training. Sessions can extend beyond an hour with activities tailored to boost cardiovascular fitness while maintaining sustainability over time.

Typical exercises might involve rowing or running coupled with resistance moves like lunges or wall balls. Endurance plays a critical role in HYROX compared to the intense bursts featured in CrossFit routines.

Nutrition Strategies

Proper nutrition is crucial for peak performance in both HYROX and CrossFit.

Carbohydrate consumption for energy in HYROX

HYROX competitors must consume carbohydrates during competitions to maintain energy levels. Carbohydrates act as the primary fuel source for these long, intense workouts. Athletes deplete glycogen stores quickly, so a steady intake of carbs helps sustain performance and prevent fatigue.

Longer HYROX events necessitate continuous carbohydrate consumption. These athletes benefit from snacks or drinks rich in carbohydrates before and during their activities. Consuming sufficient carbs ensures that muscles have the necessary energy to endure prolonged exertion and achieve optimal results on race day.

Pre- and during-training nutrition focus in CrossFit

CrossFit nutrition demands a precise focus on pre- and during-training intake. Pre-training supplementation should include essential amino acids, beta alanine, and other vital nutrients to maximise performance.

Athletes must consume ample carbohydrates before sessions to fuel their rigorous workouts. Essential vitamins and minerals are critical to avoid nutrient deficiencies that could impair progress.

During-crossfit training under 75 minutes, athletes should consume intra-workout supplements focusing on carbohydrates for sustained energy. Shorter CrossFit workouts generally do not require full meals mid-session but maintaining adequate hydration is crucial.

An effective dietary strategy ensures athletes perform their best without succumbing to fatigue or muscle breakdown.

Conclusion and Considerations for Athletes

Choosing between HYROX and CrossFit depends on your fitness goals. HYROX focuses on longer, predictable workouts that enhance conditioning. CrossFit offers varied short bursts of high-intensity workouts for power output.

Each sport engages different energy systems and training routines tailored to their unique demands. Whether you prefer structured or unpredictable challenges, both will push you to achieve new levels of fitness.


1. What is Hyrox?

Hyrox is a fitness race that combines running with various functional exercises.

2. What is CrossFit?

CrossFit is a high-intensity workout programme that includes weightlifting, gymnastics, and cardio exercises.

3. How does Hyrox differ from CrossFit?

Hyrox focuses on endurance with a set course of events, while CrossFit varies daily workouts to improve overall fitness.

4. Can beginners participate in Hyrox and CrossFit?

Yes, both Hyrox and CrossFit offer scalable workouts suitable for all fitness levels.

5. Which one burns more calories: Hyrox or CrossFit?

The number of calories burned depends on the intensity and duration of your workout in both Hyrox and CrossFit.


  1. https://www.cyclingweekly.com/fitness/crossfit-vs-hyrox-i-tried-both-fitness-trends-and-only-one-made-me-a-better-cyclist
  2. https://www.murgs.co.uk/blogs/home/how-is-hyrox-different-from-crossfit
  3. https://www.5-4-2.com/blogs/training/whats-the-difference-between-crossfit-and-hyrox-find-out-which-hybrid-training-program-suits-you (2024-05-16)
  4. https://barbend.com/hyrox-vs-crossfit-comparing-training-and-nutrition/
  5. https://roxlyfe.com/hyrox-vs-crossfit-how-do-they-compare/
  6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7138313/
  7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7466681/
  8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7675627/
  9. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7369802/
  10. https://www.stevegranthealth.com/articles-posts/hyrox-crossfit-workout-supplementation/

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